Monday, April 24, 2006

Well, Whaddya Know?

Yesterday was so nice, I predicted it could only get worse from there.

Well, it did. After yesterday's comfy temperatures, the weather took a turn for the worse. The morning was so warm, wearing long sleeve shirt and trousers seem to be overkill. Around midday the temperature went north of pleasantville and hovered at the gates of hell. Inferno isn't unleashed for about a month, but the heat was dangerously teetering at it.

It was also a perfect day for a nerve-wracking headache with a tint of sinus pressure. Splendid.

I hate it when I'm right.


Anonymous said...

who's going to win the world cup?


Anonymous said...

ahh.. Trinidad Tobago it is...

I'm gonna be RICH... I'm gonna be vewy vewy RICH!!


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