Monday, February 13, 2006

Hunger = Creative Inhibitor

Originally posted in Terra Occulta on October 24, 2005

While tragedy, depression, and alienation are wonderful fuel for the creative mind, hunger apparently is not. I proved this in a wholesome, but ultimately unscientific method of examining the scarce amount of words I put into print (well, virtually at least) during these two weeks of fasting. Apparently, the stomach trumps the brain in controlling the self. It's probably the inherent instinct of self-preservation.

Anyway, after declaring the creation of a new blog, I finally got it up. The blog is called The Imaginaut (Yes, the name is explained in the blog. I did made a fuss about the name the last time). You can find it at . First up, a review of the brilliant sci-fi movie, Serenity. And it's got purty pictures.

So, there you go. Now I can go back about worrying about my hungry, hungry stomach.

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